Doing in-company research projects

a step by step approach

1e druk | 2014 | Arjan de Bont
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Doing in-company research projects | Boek + website

9789046904190, 108 pagina's Onbeperkt toegang tot website
€ 22,50
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  • 5% studentenkorting bij aanschaf van minimaal 2 verschillende studieboeken
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Doing in-company research projects | E-book + website

9789046962725, 108 pagina's Onbeperkt toegang tot het e-book via Bookshelf
€ 22,50
  • Direct toegang tot het studiemateriaal
  • 5% studentenkorting bij aanschaf van minimaal 2 verschillende studieboeken


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Many business schools include compulsory in-company research projects. Typically, these projects require that research activities converge into well-founded, practically relevant recommendations for management. Doing in-company research helps students do in-company research via a straightforward step-by-step approach.

After mapping out information gaps, research questions are addressed by systematically collecting and analyzing data. The research findings help formulate practical recommendations. Each step is explained in detail, with extra information and short examples. An applied research project runs throughout the book and illustrates links between steps. Doing in-company research is accompanied by a website that includes a Prezi of the step-by-step approach, exemplary research reports, helpful hints for work placement and an assessment form.

This book is for students who are primarily being educated to become a business manager (studies in business economics, marketing, international business or management, for instance).

Teachers that prescribe Doing In-Company Research as mandatory literature can request additional teaching materials. These materials consist of:

  • a teachers guide;
  • an assessment form that can help grade students’ research projects;
  • a powerpoint presentation that can aid discussion of the book’s step-by-step research approach in class.


Docentenmateriaal aanvragen

Arjan de Bont is Senior Lecturer in International Business and Management at Fontys International Business School (FIBS) in Venlo, the Netherlands. He develops and coordinates courses in International Management, Organization, and Business Research, and supervises international students.

Research increasingly plays a central role at Universities of Applied Science. Arjan de Bont leads business students through the steps of in-company research projects. In my consideration, this book is an indispensable preparation for business students as they make their way towards their graduation assignments.' – Rob de Brouwer, Former Industry Director, Consultant, Chairman of visitation panels for accreditation of Universities of Applied Sciences