I am logged in, but I cannot see my online study material
It might help to log in again or to change your browser. If that doesn’t work, try deleting your cookies.
We will explain how to do this below:
1. Press the following buttons simultaneously to delete all cookies:
- Windows: Ctrl + Shift + Del;
- Mac: Shift + Command + Backspace (or delete)
- Mac Safari: Command + , (open the privacy-tab, and delete the data)
2. Press the following buttons simultaneously to refresh the page:
- Windows: Ctrl + F5
- Mac: Command + r
3. Then try to log in again.
Do you want to delete the www.coutinho.nl cookies on your iPad of iPhone?
- Go to Settings,
- and click on Safari.
- Click on ‘Website Data’
- Look for coutinho.nl in the list of the websites
- Click on ‘Edit’
- Click on the red button next to coutinho.nl
- Click on delete
Were you not able to delete your cookies or is your browser not listed?
Then use Google and look for ‘delete cookies’ for your specific browser.
Did you try all of the above and you still cannot see your online study material? Please contact our customer service, they are happy to help.