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Service to teachers
Being an educational publishing house Uitgeverij Coutinho is a specialised in resources for both higher education and adult education. We develop high-quality, affordable study materials in close connection to the education practice. We support teachers in preparing and carrying out their lessons. Supplementary teacher resources come with most of our publications, e.g. teacher guidebooks or PowerPoint slides. Furthermore most publications have a companion website with online resources, such as online exams, case materials and extra exercises.

Request an evaluation copy
To find the best teaching resources for your courses it is possible to order a free evaluation copy of most of our titles. Browse through the online catalogue in our web shop to find the publication you would like to evaluate. Click on the yellow button and fill in the request form.

Advise on our publications
Our consultants are available for advice on our publications. Please do not hesitate to contact our consultants regarding any queries you might have. Whether it concerns a presentation, the implementation of our (digital) study materials, user licenses for your students or ‘content-op-maat’ – content customised to the needs of your organisation.

Becoming an author
We cannot develop our study materials without authors. The basis for our high quality products is the expert knowledge and deep professional understanding of our authors. In cooperation with our authors and the educational field we develop materials to fit present day education. We are open to new ideas about study materials and innovative in-class or digital solutions. Do you have an idea or are you (considering) developing new materials? Contact one of our publishers and find out how we can work together.

You can find information about our study materials on our website. In addition we publish a catalogue annually with our new and relevant offers per field of study. Either ask for a paper copy or check the online version. Our catalogues are only available in Dutch. We offer catalogues for the following fields: Dutch as a second language & Integration, Language teaching, Skill education, Teacher training for primary education, Teacher training for secondary and higher education, Law & governance, Economics & Management, Social studies & Health education.