Join us in developing new study materials
At Uitgeverij Coutinho we believe that study materials and developments in education should be well attuned. Being an expert within your field and a teacher or lecturer yourself, you know which (supplementary) materials are lacking. We would love to hear about your ideas and insights and find out how to cooperate.
Developing a successful publication means several different educational institutes will work with your material. Together with the publisher much attention is paid to develop materials in key with your field, thereby ensuring a well-established base for your work. During the entire process, from writing stage till promotion of your publication t you can count on support from your publisher, editor, designer and marketer. Our basic principles are meticulousness and expertise. Our foremost goal is the publishing of high-quality study materials and online solutions. We find direct and regular contact are essential for working well together. At Uitgeverij Coutinho the lines of communication are short. You’ll experience an informal atmosphere, so you feel right at home.
Contact one of our publishers and find out how we can work together.