After graduation, students will start working in a continuously changing work-field. Study materials need to prepare them for this. In the field of economics and law Uitgeverij Coutinho offers materials on diverse subjects: introductory textbooks as well as publications on specific skill practice. Our materials are suited for Universities of Applied Sciences: Business Administration, Commercial Economics, Communication and HRM. Most study materials come with supplementary teacher resources and online extra’s to enhance learning and to make learning more enjoyable. Check the following overview and find all publications on your subject.
Inleiding risicomanagement
Druk : 1st editionVerschijningsjaar : 2019
Inleiding risicomanagement beschrijft de basisprincipes van risicomanagement. De specifieke onderdelen van het risicomanagementproces worden behandeld vanuit verschillende perspectieven. Het doorlopen van de stappen van het proces maakt studenten bewust van de risico's waaraan organisaties blootgesteld worden. Hierna zijn zij in staat verantwoorde keuzes te maken bij de mogelijke beheersing van risico's.
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