Dutch as a second language
As a Dutch as a second language teacher you have to deal with new trends, digitisation, changing rules on integration and growing internationalisation in higher education. At Uitgeverij Coutinho you will find publications on these subjects. Our study materials are aimed at a very diverse group of learners: from illiterate adults to high-educated people, from immigrants to expats. You can use the filter function to find the required language level, the level of education, the State Exams Dutch as a Second Language and skills training.
Nederlands in gang
Ondertitel : Methode Nederlands voor hoogopgeleide anderstaligen
Druk : 3rd editionVerschijningsjaar : 2017
Nederlands in gang is geschikt voor hoogopgeleide anderstaligen in Nederland en in het buitenland en leidt op tot niveau A2 van het Europees Referentie Kader. Nederlands in gang is het eerste deel in een communicatieve NT2-leerlijn naar ERK-niveau C1.
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