The Teachers' Handbook

Secondary and vocational education

1st edition | 2018 | Walter Geerts, René van Kralingen
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The Teachers' Handbook | Boek + website

9789046906217, 464 pages
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How do you become a successful teacher? As a new teacher you need to learn how to establish specific routines and procedures. However, it takes more than learning the ‘tricks of the trade’ to become a qualified teacher. The Teachers’ Handbook meets the needs of future teachers who require tools to connect theory and practice throughout their studies, enabling them to create well-developed lessons.


This handbook discusses fundamental questions such as: How do I educate my students? How do I work effectively with groups? What is my school like? How do I develop my skills as a teacher? These four main questions coincide with parts A to D of this handbook. The fifth part discusses the specific features of preparatory (VMBO) and senior secondary vocational education (VET, or MBO).

The Teachers’ Handbook is intended for all new and seasoned teachers in secondary education and vocational education in the Netherlands. This book is also useful for instructors in Associate Degree programmes.

Are you a non-Dutch speaking teacher? You can use this English form to request an inspection copy. request a copy

Walter Geerts works at the NHL Stenden University  as an educational expert and trainer of HBO instructors. René van Kralingen is a teacher trainer and educational adviser at Van Kralingen Educational Consultancy Agency.

‘Ik ken deze uitgave in het Nederlands en ben heel blij met de Engelse versie. De gedetailleerde inhoudsopgave maakt het makkelijk om specifieke onderwerpen te vinden. De taal is goed te begrijpen en het jargon komt goed overeen met waar wij zelf voor hebben gekozen in de opleiding. Precies gericht op de doelgroep: internationale studenten die weinig van het onderwijs in Nederland weten. Heel precies beschreven hoe scholen werken, structureren, management opzet enz.’ – docente Hogeschool Utrecht, 27 september 2018